Air Deflector

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Related Categories: Heat Vent Deflector | Vent | Curtains
  1. Furnace Vent Deflector

    deflector, you can manage the direction of the air flow coming out of your floor's heating and cooling vents. Sure, there are other floor vent deflectors on the market; however, we've added some amazing extras to our heating vent deflector to make it even better. This high-quality vent deflector

    Furnace Vent Deflector



  2. Furnace Vent Extender

    Deflector – Furnace vent extender redirects cool and warm air from under your bed, furniture and drapes out into your room for total comfort; Save Money – Save on your heating and cooling costs all year round, as you redirect the valuable air that can otherwise get trapped and wasted; Durable…

    Furnace Vent Extender



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