Sponge Holder

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Related Categories: Kitchen Sink | Kitchen Storage
  1. Faucet Hanging Sponge & Brush Holder

    Slip this handy holder over your kitchen sink faucet for drip-free, puddle-proof storage and quick, easy access to sponges, scouring pads and brushes. The over-the-faucet sponge and brush holder pocket is a great place to park wet dishwashing essentials—allowing them to air dry and drip freely…

    Faucet Hanging Sponge & Brush Holder



  2. Wall Mount Silicone Toilet Brush

    …than old-school nylon ones. It discreetly mounts on any wall to save floor space and keep your bathroom neat, with a clever interlocking wall holder for easy removal and cleaning. The toilet cleaner brush's flexible silicone bristles help your toilet bowl sparkle, then rinse clean and dry quickly…

    Wall Mount Silicone Toilet Brush



  3. Soft Head Bathroom Brush Set

    …is ideal for scrubbing tubs, sinks, floors and corners, especially in tight spaces around toilets. And the included toilet brush holder has a drip-catching base with ventilation for fast drying. 6" long x 4" wide x 17 3/4" high bathroom brush set.[{"textkey":1,"title":"Description","text":"This…

    Soft Head Bathroom Brush Set



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