Brown Sugar Preserver

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Related Categories: Storage | Kitchen Organizers | Food Storage | Rooster
  1. Brown Sugar Preserver

    After opening, brown sugar gets hard and lumpy as it dries out. This terra cotta brown sugar preserver keeps brown sugar soft, for better measuring and cooking. Just soak disc in water, place in any brown sugar storage container and sugar stays soft a long time. 2 3/8"…

    Brown Sugar Preserver



  2. Brown Sugar Preserver, Set of 2

    …terra cotta brown sugar preservers help retain that essential moisture inside your opened brown sugar bags. Featuring a charming rooster on each of these brown sugar preservers, they are both decorative and practical. Best of all, they're so easy to use. Simply soak these brown sugar savers in water…

    Brown Sugar Preserver, Set of 2



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