Faucet Cover

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Related Categories: Faucet Sock | Faucet | Socks
  1. Faucet Sock, Set of 2

    …protective insulation safeguards outdoor faucets from costly damage in sub-zero weather. Our waterproof outdoor faucet covers fit over any standard fixture and secures with a hook-and-loop strap. Each faucet sock measures 6" wide x 7" long. Set of 2.[{"textkey":1,"title":"Description","text":"Thick,…

    Faucet Sock, Set of 2



  2. Outdoor Faucet Cover

    …outdoors — and can force some expensive fixes. With our outdoor faucet covers, these easy-to-use outdoor faucet covers install over your outdoor spigots in seconds and trap heat, preventing freezing and damage. Garden faucet insulation covers come in a wide range of styles and designs; we've chosen…

    Outdoor Faucet Cover



  3. Mesh Drain Cover/Stopper and Faucet Sprayer

    …built-in stopper, the fine stainless steel mesh kitchen drain cover traps the tiniest food particles so they won’t clog drains. Covers drain openings up to 1 1/2"dia. Attaching easily to most faucets without tools, this flexible faucet sprayer’s 6" L connector offers extended reach and 2 spray…

    Mesh Drain Cover/Stopper and Faucet Sprayer



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