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  1. Personalized White Wooden 2-in-1 Chair and Stepstool

    Our wooden Personalized White Children's Stepstool makes sinks and toy shelves reachable for toddlers. 3/4" thick pine is smoothly sanded and painted a vibrant white, then joined together with rounded screws. Base of the stool is 9 3/4" x 10 3/4"; seat is 6" from the floor, 12" high with back up.…

    Personalized White Wooden 2-in-1 Chair and Stepstool



  2. Personalized Natural Wooden 2-in-1 Chair and Stepstool

    …wooden children's chair and stepstool is the perfect size for those little people in your home who need extra help reaching the sink, kitchen counters or bookshelves. Made from high-quality 100% hardwood construction, this personalized wood chair and stepstool is your son's, daughter's, grandson's…

    Personalized Natural Wooden 2-in-1 Chair and Stepstool



  3. Telescopic Gutter Brush

    …performed twice a year. Our telescopic garden accessory helps you complete that task quickly and easily, without having to carry out ladders, stepstools or other items to help you reach those high heights. Minimize the chance for potential water damage and other future problems: our telescopic…

    Telescopic Gutter Brush



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