Mesh Sink Strainer

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Related Categories: Kitchen Sink Strainer | Drain | Food | Kitchen Sink
  1. Mesh Sink Strainer

    Prevent clogged drains with this amazing little mesh sink strainer. Designed in fine stainless steel mesh, the strainer keeps food particles from falling through, but allows water and other liquids free passage. Mesh strainer is rustproof and dishwasher safe. 1 3/4" x 4…

    Mesh Sink Strainer



  2. Mesh Drain Cover

    Mesh drain cover is designed better with a built-in stopper. Now, nothing passes through the kitchen or bathroom sink to clog drainpipes. Stainless steel mesh sentry is on guard full time... when sink is full for washing or empty. Kitchen drain stopper will cover drain openings up to 1 1/2"…

    Mesh Drain Cover



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