Toffee Assortment

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Related Categories: All Candy | Toffee | Chocolate Candy
  1. Toffee Assortment, 10 oz.

    …like treasures in bright, fancy foil, this luscious toffee assortment offers soft, chewy pleasure in five sweet, candy-shop flavors. With maple, butter rum, vanilla, chocolate and raspberry to choose from, the individually wrapped gourmet toffee will be the star of any candy dish ... and first to…

    Toffee Assortment, 10 oz.



  2. Mrs. Kimballs Candy Shoppe Sugar Free Nostalgic Candy Refill

    …tin stocked with this assortment of nostalgic sugar-free candies. Offering all the sweet memories (and NONE of the sugar), the classic candy assortment includes Sugar-Free Cinnamon Discs, Sugar-Free Butterscotch Discs, Sugar-Free Starlight Mints, Assorted Sugar-Free Toffees and Sugar-Free Dad's Root…

    Mrs. Kimballs Candy Shoppe Sugar Free Nostalgic Candy Refill



  3. Sugar-Free Nostalgic Candy Tin by Mrs. Kimball's Candy Shopp

    …sugar intake. The nostalgic candy mix includes Sugar-Free Cinnamon Discs, Sugar-Free Butterscotch Discs, Sugar-Free Starlight Mints, Assorted Sugar-Free Toffees and Sugar-Free Dad's Root Beer Barrels—all individually wrapped and nestled in our exclusive, Mrs. Kimball's Candy Shoppe tin. The classic…

    Sugar-Free Nostalgic Candy Tin by Mrs. Kimball's Candy Shopp



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