Licorice Hollows

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Related Categories: All Candy | Licorice | Licorice Candy
  1. Mrs. Kimball's Licorice Hollows

    The licorice world is buzzing about these bright Licorice Hollows—the colorful confections with the crunchy candy coating and soft, chewy licorice centers. The bite-size tubes are often compared to nostalgic licorice candies, but Mrs. Kimball's Licorice Hollows have a taste all their own, and true…

    Mrs. Kimball's Licorice Hollows



  2. Licorice Lover's Mix 14 oz.

    …assortment of red and black Licorice Lover's Mix ... and it disappears quickly once the bag is open! Boasting pure licorice candy goodness in each fresh, chewy selection, the assorted licorice includes Red Twists, Black Jelly Beans, Licorice Bites, Licorice Pastels, Hollows and more. Each handful's…

    Licorice Lover's Mix 14 oz.



  3. Licorice Lovers Favorites, Set of 3

    licorice connoisseur. Black licorice jelly beans are chewy, satisfying and brimming with the rich, distinctive flavor of black licorice. 22 oz. Licorice Lover’s Mix includes a delightful assortment of Red Twists, Black Jelly Beans, Licorice Bites, Licorice Pastels, Hollows and more. 14 oz. Licorice

    Licorice Lovers Favorites, Set of 3



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